Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Just another day in Harare.


We're in weather limbo in Harare right now, the weather is being a tad bit bipolar. One minute its cold in the morning, next thing you know its boiling hot in the afternoon. On this day i decided to test out and wear one of my creations, a †Φ▲Tanya Nefertari▲Φ† peplum top as the main focal point of my relaxed laid-back outfit.

I usually don't wear black leggings (cause i think its the lazy persons attire) but i thought they worked well considering it was freezing cold when i left the house.

In the end the sun decided to show up. It ended up being a sunny day whereupon I had lunch, dessert and also added my bowler hat to the look. This is essentially what a great day can be like in Harare.