Saturday, July 7, 2012

Milestone: One Year in Zimbabwe

Its been a year today (July 7) since I packed up and left the place I called home for
12 years of my life. I miss the home I left filled with many ghosts
and memories alike. I miss the childhood & middlehood friends I made and 
last but not least the other half of my family I left behind.

I'm becoming me, Tanya. I thought I had to escape, find home in
different countries & be someone else, but all I had to do was find
the real me through doing what I love with no constraints or
restrictions. It sounds metaphysical, but it means something to me.

This isn't to say I've found home right where I am, I'm still some
what of a Nomad  still searching and floating through the uncertainty
of time. That's the beauty of finding yourself in what you do, you can
do it anywhere and still feel at peace.

I've achieved & I've learnt a lot in such a short space of time. Its
amazing what you can learn about yourself in a year. I'm proud of myself
& I hope to keep on learning and progressing.

There's a paradox that comes with achievement. When you start
achieving you think the only reason you wanted it was so you
could "relax" and live a good life but then you find yourself 
working harder than ever trying your best not to fall off.

Such is life. Onwards and Upwards!

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